Our School
Health Room
Medications – School nurses can only administer medications that are brought in by parents/guardians. ALL medications must have a corresponding consent form for that student with parent/guardian signature. ALL prescription medication consent forms MUST have the physician signature. Prescription medications also must have the current prescription label for the medication with that student’s name on the label. The student may not bring in any medication to or from school. All medication must be brought in by an adult to the health room. Permission for School Administrated Medication Form. Please also refer to this Medication Tip Sheet for additional information.
Illness – Common reasons for a student to be kept at home or reasons they will be sent home from school.
- Any child with a fever of 100 degrees F or higher
- 3 or more bouts of diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Any headache, stomach ache, wound, cough or illness that is distracting them so much that they and/or others are distracted or are at risk of illness or injury.
If a child is sent home because of one of these reasons, they can return to school only after a period of 24 hours of being fever free without medication.
Injuries – If a students gets a scrape of superficial cut, the school nurse will clean it and apply a bandage when appropriate. If a student has full range of motion and can put all their weight on their injured leg/foot, the school nurse will check for swelling. If no signs of distress, the school nurse will apply ice and send them back to class. If a student bumped their head, the school nurse will assess for signs of distress and apply ice. If the school nurse sees any reason that the student may be in need of further medical care, she will call the parent. But if the school nurse does not see any reason why they cannot return to class, she will send them back.
Lice – If a student has any nits closer than ¼ inch from the scalp or live lice, they will be sent home before or at the end of the school day to be treated. After a treatment has been given and we have rechecked and cleared the student so that no nits are closer than ¼ inch from the scalp or no live lice are found, they may return to school.
Soiled clothing – Accidents happen in the restroom, cafeteria and on the playground. The health room is stocked with a limited supply of borrowed clothing to help in these situations. We will place their soiled clothing in a plastic bag and given to student to place in their backpack upon return to class. With a limited supply we will need the clothing returned by the end of the week. We would also appreciate donations at any time of shoes, socks, shirts or pants.
Mission and Vision
At New Providence Elementary School, we strive to foster kind, confident, respectful and hard-working learners. We focus on the development of the whole child. We are committed to a safe, supportive, inclusive environment which acknowledges and respects individuals from diverse family and cultural backgrounds. We work to engage individuals in authentic, rigorous learning, facing challenges with openness, enthusiasm and a willingness to solve problems. We aim for an atmosphere of collaboration through meaningful relationships, challenging each other to be our personal best.
Be Kind. Be Confident. Be Respectful. Work Hard.
Click here for PTA membership form.
Join for $7.00!
Contact us via e-mail: newprovidencepta@gmail.com
Arrival to NPE
- Students may enter the building at 7:00 a.m.
- Drop-off may take place anytime between 7:00 and 7:30
- Our morning news show will start at 7:30 so we encourage you to arrive early so you don't miss out on our exciting morning news show!
- Tardy bell will ring at 7:30
- At 7:30 the main drop-off loop will be closed. Parents arriving after this time will be asked to park in the main parking lot and walk their child to the office to receive a tardy pass. Please make it your goal to arrive at school by 7:25 each day.
- Breakfast will continue to be available for purchase in our Cafeteria from 7:00 until 7:30 a.m.
Dismissal from NPE
- Parents wishing to line up in our car loop early may do so after 1:30 p.m. daily
- Instruction ends at 2:15
- Daycare students will be dismissed at 2:20
- Kindergarten and first grade children who ride the bus will be dismissed at 2:15
- Second through fifth grade children who ride the bus will be dismissed at 2:20
- Car riders will begin to be dismissed at 2:20
- Please use the car line with your sign clearly displayed; All parents should use the car line; if you forget your sign, you may park at the flag pole (Visitor Parking), enter the Main Office, get a new sign and then get in line at the car loop to pick up your child
- For the safety of all students, staff and parents, we will no longer dismiss at the crosswalk.
If early dismissal becomes necessary...
Every minute is precious with regards to your child's education. If the need to dismiss your child becomes absolutely necessary, you may do so by coming to the Main Office before 1:30 p.m. After 1:30, we will be unable to dismiss your child and you will need to get in the car line with your sign displayed. Because every minute counts, parents are asked to strictly limit the number of times they request an early dismissal of their child/children.
Instructional Hours
7:30 a.m. – 2:10 p.m. (doors open at 7 a.m.)
Office Hours
7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.