7:00 am - 7:30 am: Drop off in car loop or bus loop
7:30 am: Tardy bell rings
7:30 am: Morning announcements start
Instructional day begins immediately following the NPE Morning News
Please make sure to arrive on time to drop your child off before the tardy bell. When you arrive, students should be prepared to exit the vehicle on the passenger's side anywhere from position 1 to the end of the covered walkway (or to the sidewalk by the Multi-Purpose Room, if a staff member is present). During periods of heavy rain, we will unload only under the covered walkway.
Cars may start to line up in car line no sooner than 1:30 pm. Use two lanes all the way up until the white line. After the white line, please use an alternate merge (one car after the other) as you move towards positions 1-8.
Please have your car sign clearly displayed from the rear view mirror all the way through the line until your child is loaded in the car. If you need to assist your child with buckling in, please pull up to the area past the Kindergarten playground to do so.
Pick-ups at the crosswalk will not take place until 2:45 daily.
Early Dismissal: Every minute is precious with regards to your child's education and is especially important this year. If the need to dismiss your child becomes absolutely necessary, you may do so by coming to the Main Office before 1:30p.m. After 1:30, we will be unable to dismiss your child and you will need to get in the car line.
*Please display your NPE car sign from your rear view mirror from the time to enter the car line until your child is loaded in the car. We use your car number at multiple points during the dismissal process. Need more car signs? Simply write a note to your child's teacher and request.